Why is Cord Blood Vital?

Patients who have serious illnesses like blood diseases, genetic conditions or damaged bone marrow due to radiation and chemotherapy can benefit from stem cell transplants. Cord blood stem cells are an alternative to bone marrow transplants. These cells are young, more adaptable and more pliable than stem cells from bone marrow; this results in fewer transplant complications and rejection.   They don’t require an exact tissue match between the donor and the recipient. It is simple – cord blood saves lives.

“Of all the stem cell sources, cord blood allows for some mismatching, so it   allows us to accommodate children that I would never otherwise find a full match for.”

Dr. John Doyle, Sick kids Hospital Annual Report, Toronto

Tissue typing is used to match patients and donors for bone marrow or cord blood transplants. In Canada, groups such as Aboriginals, African-Americans, Asians, and Southern Italians – as well as people of mixed ethnicities – have a difficult time finding a bone marrow donor because of the wide diversity of tissue types  in those populations. However, because cord blood cells do not require a perfect match, many individuals within our mixed population can benefit from these valuable cells. In many cases, these cells may be the only treatment option. Having a greater public inventory of cord blood stem cells benefits everyone in Canada and around the world.  These cells save lives and minimize the stress for families waiting for a donor with an appropriate match.

“Banked public cord blood is a game changer in pediatric transplantation”

Dr Donna Wall, Division Head, Blood and Marrow Transplant, Hospital for Sick Children

Cord blood saves lives

[1] Brunstein et al. Blood 2010;116:4693